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You can use the Web Widget Events API to listen to cetain events within the kapa Web Widget as well as consume the data associated wih these events. This can be helpful if you want to track widget interactions in your own analytics tools like Amplitude, Mixpanel or Segment.


The kapa JavaScript library provides a Kapa object that exposes the different widget functions. To make the Kapa object available, copy and paste the JavaScript snippet below inside a </script> before the </body> tag on every page where you are currently rendering the kapa Web Widget.

(function(){let k=window.Kapa;if(!k){let i=function(){i.c(arguments)};i.q=[];i.c=function(args){i.q.push(args)};window.Kapa=i}})();

In a simple HTML page, you can paste it into the page </head> like this:

(function(){let k=window.Kapa;if(!k){let i=function(){i.c(arguments)};i.q=[];i.c=function(args){i.q.push(args)};window.Kapa=i}})();

Events API

Event listeners can be registered with the Kapa function object, by providing the following arguments:

  1. The widget event type (e.g. onAskAIQuerySubmit)
  2. An event handler
  3. An optional option parameter which can be set to add (default) or remove. This is relevant for clean-up actions such as in lifecycle, like useEffect methods in React.

Example Usage

// Adding an event listener
Kapa("onAskAIQuerySubmit", function (args) {
/* do something */
// Removing an event listener
function (args) {
/* do something */

React example:

useEffect(() => {
const handler = (args) => { console.log("Query submitted."); },
"add" // The 'add' option is optional and can be omitted

return () => Kapa("onAskAIQuerySubmit", handler, "remove");

Event Types

List of available kapa widget events.


Triggered when the widget modal is opened.

Kapa("onModalOpen", function ({ mode }) {
console.log("Modal opened.");

Callback Arguments

modestringThe mode the widget is set to when the modal is opened. Can be search or ai.


Triggered when the widget modal is closed.

Kapa("onModalClose", function ({ mode }) {
console.log("Modal closed.");

Callback Arguments

modestringThe mode the widget is set to when the modal is closed. Can be search or ai.


Triggered when a user submits an Ask AI query.

Kapa("onAskAIQuerySubmit", ({ threadId, questionAnswerId, question }) => {
console.log("Query submitted.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstring | nullThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.


Triggered when a user submits an Ask AI query from the list of example questions, if enabled.

({ threadId, questionAnswerId, question }) => {
console.log("Example query submitted.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstring | nullThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.


Triggered when a kapa answer to a question is completed.

({ threadId, questionAnswerId, question, answer, conversation }) => {
console.log("Answer completed.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.
answerstringThe kapa answer.
conversationObject[]The full conversation history. A list of objects that each contain the questionAnswerId, question and answer of the question-answer pair.


Triggered when feedback to an answer is submitted. Note that this event is also triggered when the user changes their feedback for a certain answer.

}) => {
console.log("Feedback submitted.");

Callback Arguments

reactionstringThe feedback reaction. Can be upvote or downvote.
commentObjectAdditional comment added by the user. This is an object with the properties issue (a string comment), irrelevant (bool), incorrect (bool), unaddressed (bool).
threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.
answerstringThe kapa answer.
conversationObject[]The full conversation history. A list of objects that each contain the questionAnswerId, question and answer of the question-answer pair.


Triggered when a link inside the answer text is clicked.

({ href, threadId, questionAnswerId, question, answer }) => {
console.log("Link clicked.");

Callback Arguments

hrefstringThe href / url of the clicked link.
threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.
answerstringThe kapa answer.


Triggered when one of the listed relevant sources for an answer is clicked.

({ source, threadId, questionAnswerId, question, answer }) => {
console.log("Source clicked.");

Callback Arguments

sourceObjectThe source object. Contains the properties title, subtitle and url.
threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.
answerstringThe kapa answer.


Triggered when an answer is copied to the clipboard.

({ threadId, questionAnswerId, question, answer }) => {
console.log("Answer copied.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionAnswerIdstringThe question-answer ID of the current question-answer pair. This is created when the user submits a question.
questionstringThe submitted question.
answerstringThe kapa answer.


Triggered when an answer generation is stopped.

Kapa("onAskAIGenerationStop", ({ threadId, question, conversation }) => {
console.log("Answer generation stopped.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstring | nullThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
questionstringThe submitted question.
conversationObject[]The full conversation history. A list of objects that each contain the questionAnswerId, question and answer of the question-answer pair.


Triggered when a conversation history is cleared.

Kapa("onAskAIConversationReset", ({ threadId, conversation }) => {
console.log("Conversation reset.");

Callback Arguments

threadIdstringThe thread ID of the current conversation. This is created after the answer to the first question in the conversation is completed.
conversationObject[]The full conversation history. A list of objects that each contain the questionAnswerId, question and answer of the question-answer pair.


Triggered when the mode in the widget is switched, if multiple modes are enabled.

Kapa("onModeSwitch", ({ mode }) => {
console.log("Mode switched.");

Callback Arguments

modestringThe mode the widget was switched to. Can be 'ai' or 'search'.


Triggered when a list of results is returned from a search request.

Kapa("onSearchResultsCompleted", ({ query, searchResults }) => {
console.log("Search results completed.");

Callback Arguments

querystringThe search query.
searchResultsObject[]The list of search result objects. Each object contains the properties title, subtitle, url, sourceName.


Triggered when 'Show More' search results is clicked.

Kapa("onSearchResultsShowMoreClick", ({ query, searchResults }) => {
console.log("Show more clicked.");

Callback Arguments

querystringThe search query.
searchResultsObject[]The list of search result objects. Each object contains the properties title, subtitle, url, sourceName.


Triggered when a search result is clicked.

Kapa("onSearchResultClick", ({ query, searchResult, rank }) => {
console.log("Show more clicked.");

Callback Arguments

querystringThe search query.
searchResultObjectThe search result object. Contains the properties title, subtitle, url, sourceName.
ranknumberThe rank of the search result in the list of all results.