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Below is a detailed list of all configuration options that control the support form deflectors behavior. There are required and optional parameters.

Required parameters

The following parameters are required to configure the website widget:

data-integration-idThis id instructs the support form deflector which of your Kapa instances to connect to.
data-main-input-query-selectorCSS selector for the main input element where the user enters their issue description. The support form selector will generate an answer for the issue described here.
data-submit-element-query-selectorCSS selector for the element that triggers the support form deflector to generate an answer. This is typically the button that the user clicks to submit the form, or the form itself.
data-submit-element-event-typeThe event type that triggers the widget to generate the query. This can be onClick or onSubmit. See this FAQ on how to best configure data-submit-element-query-selector and data-submit-element-event-type together.
data-submit-button-query-selectorThe query selector of the form submit button. This is used to disable the button element while the answer is being generated for visual feedback. This has to be specified seperately because data-submit-element-query-selector is not always the submit button.
data-anchor-element-query-selectorCSS selector for the element that the widget will be anchored to. This lets you control where in the form the support form deflector will insert its answer after generation.
data-anchor-element-positionThe position of the widget relative to the anchor element. This can be beforebegin, afterbegin, beforeend, or afterend. See MDN documentation for more information.

Here's an example of how to configure the widget with the required parameters


Optional parameters

You can use the following optional parameters to customize the behavior of your website widget:

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
data-extra-input-query-selectorsCSS selector for additional input elements that the support form deflector should submit to Kapa alongside the content of data-main-input-query-selector. For example many support forms will let the user select the topic of their issue from a dropdown which is valuable information for Kapa when generating an answer. If used, you must also configure the labels to use for the extra fields, using data-extra-input-names.Not defined
data-extra-input-namesRequired if data-extra-input-query-selectors is set. A list of descriptive names for the inputs specified by data-extra-input-query-selectors. This parameter must have the same number of items as data-extra-input-query-selectors, and they are paired together in order of appearance (i.e., the first selector is labeled by the first name).Not defined
data-submit-button-text-query-selectorSpecifies the CSS selector for locating the submit button text or label. Used in conjunction with data-submit-button-text-override. This is seperate from data-submit-button-query-selector because the text element of the button can be nested inside of the button.Not defined
data-submit-button-text-overrideOverrides the original button text prior to the AI answer generation. The original button text is restored post generation.Not defined
data-main-input-formats-htmlSet this to "true" to format HTML-structured input values from your main input field to markdown. This is useful for WYSYWIG editors for example, that return the input string as HTML."false"
data-wait-for-elements-timeoutThe time in milliseconds to wait until erroring out if the data-main-input-query-selector, data-submit-element-query-selector and data-anchor-element-query-selector aren't available. By default, this is set to 10 seconds, but you can modify this. If you set this to null, then the support form deflector will wait indefinetely. This is useful when the actual form is only revealed only after a user interaction and you don't want the deflector to error out after a certain amount of time."10000"
data-render-timeoutThe time in milliseconds to wait before rendering the deflector widget. This might be useful if you have React SSR enabled on your page. You might need to wait for React to hydrate the page before the support deflector makes any changes. Otherwise, you might run into hydration issues. By default, the widget will render immediately. We recommend a value of 500ms as a starting point if you encounter issues."0"
data-debug-modeLogs additional information for testing purposes."false"
data-deflection-failure-trigger-element-query-selectorCSS selector monitored to detect deflection failures. Interaction with this element after answer generation is counted as a deflection failure. See Deflection rates to understand how deflection statistics are calculated. Only required for multi step
data-deflection-failure-trigger-element-event-typeThis event type is monitored on the data-deflection-failure-trigger-element-query-selector DOM element to detect deflection failures. Only required for multi step
data-option-to-cancel-answer-delaySpecifies the time delay in milliseconds after which the user is allowed to cancel the answer generation."60000"
data-render-on-loadDetermines whether the deflector is rendered immediately when the script loads. This is useful if the support form is displayed only after a user action. In such cases, you can defer the deflector’s rendering by setting this option to "false" and trigger it later using the window.KapaSFD.render() function."true"


The Support Form Deflector exposes the following functions through the KapaSFD attribute on the global window object, which you can call using JavaScript.

Function NameDescription
unmountUnmounts the Support Form Deflector widget and disables its functionality. This is useful for example if you would like to disable the deflector based on certain form inputs.
render(Re-)renders the Support Form Deflector and attaches all the event listeners required for deflecting a new Ticket submission. This can be useful if you have previously unmounted the support form deflector based on custom logic and now want to render it again.

For an example of conditionally rendering and unmounting the support form deflector based on custom JavaScript, see Render the Support Form Deflector manually